The advocates from these legal services may offer free legal advice to people with low income who have legal problems. For some problems, they may send you to another legal aid program or a volunteer attorney. These attorneys may not help you with a criminal case, if you are trying to sue someone, or if you have an immigration problem. They cannot help with problems in other states. Contact the legal aid office closest to you to see if you are eligible for legal services.
Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Emergency Shelters Legal Assistance Health Substance Abuse Counseling
Many associate the Shelter with safe housing only. The agency has evolved to meet the increasing ...
Homeless Shelters Emergency Shelters Youth Shelters Childcare Counseling Education Health Mental Health Physical Health Domestic Violence Housing Maintenance Rent Assistance Legal Assistance Transportation Meals
WE PROVIDE Clean and safe shelter through our 65 bed emergency shelter facility Case management s...
Homeless Shelters Women's Shelters Childcare Domestic Violence Spiritual Housing Rent Assistance Counseling Health Mental Health Physical Health Legal Assistance Meals
(419) 668-3073(419) 668-3073
Miriam House is a transitional housing program that offers safe and stable housing to homeless wo...
Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Emergency Shelters Childcare Education Counseling Legal Assistance
Preventing the occurrence of child abuse/neglect by providing trained volunteers who educate in t...
Health Mental Health Physical Health Substance Abuse Childcare Counseling Education Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Emergency Shelters Legal Assistance Meals Spiritual
Volunteers of America is a movement organized to reach and uplift all people and bring them to th...
It is the mission of the Mansfield Police Department to preserve life, protect property, and to r...
To protect life and property, promote traffic safety and provide professional public safety servi...